Alyson has taken up a volunteer position with the party (SNP - Scottish National Party) in the hope of becoming better known with candidates and the central office in the hope of securing a permanent paid position after the election in May. Fingers crossed that it pays off, it is certainly taking up a lot of her time and energy. Essentially she organises which candidates attend which hustings (public debates held by specific groups usually on specific issues) - and there are A LOT of them. I, in the meantime, continue to work for my dad and am in the middle of exams. My last exam will be Wednesday, after which point I will head to Aberdeen to work more full-time on the campaign trail. Vive l'Ecosse, Vive l'independence!
I have been less than thrilled with some of my classes this last semester, but am very excited to be heading into my final year of the degree. It gives me great satisfaction to think that by this time next year I can start writing LLB (Hons) after my name and thinking about getting back to a full-time salary! If there is anything that has been tough about working, and then going back to school after my mission - it was giving up the salary that came with full-time. The hope, of course, is that my future potential salary will be considerably greater. Let's hope it works out that way!
(For a brief explanation of the elections - to be taken with a pinch of salt - here is the wikipedia article:,_2011)
We are still in search of when will be the best time to visit the states in the summer. Ticket prices seem to have soared this year, and with Alyson still looking for a permanent position after May - it makes timing an issue. As soon as we know, we'll let you know.