Monday, 17 October 2011


My best animal friend in the world passed away today. We will miss him dearly.

love you pup. (6/5/1995 - 17/10/2011)

Baxter moved in with us probably about this time last year. He generally had very good health up until his last year where he had a few bladder infections, and one more serious case where the vet says he had a mini-stroke. They treated him for that and he recovered quite quickly, but warned us that it was likely to recur at some point in the future. Unfortunately on Saturday evening I guess he had a more serious stroke (8 months after the original stroke), and he deteriorated from then on. He was still able to recognise us, but the stroke happened very close to the part of his brain that controls balance and a few other things, so he couldn't even stand up. He was also very nauseous, and dizzy, so he didn't have an appetite, and couldn't keep anything down. The vet told us that because he hadn't improved within the first 48hrs that he was unlikely to get better even with treatment. It was probably the toughest thing that I have ever done in my life to have him put to sleep and to have to say goodbye. Our flat seems very very empty now, and we are struggling to come to terms with not having him to mooch for our food, or to have to go on walkies. I'm sure the pain will dull over time, but I had Baxter for more than half of my life - 13 years (he was 3 when we got him from the shelter). He was there through very trying times and very happy times - a constant companion. We will miss him dearly.

Alyson and I had enjoyed going for family walks with Baxter. We never went too far, he was an old pooch, but he loved to be outdoors and sniff all that there was to sniff, and we loved to take him. He kept us both company when the other was away, or even when we were both at home. He was always happy to see us, and to pay us attention (so that we would also pay him attention). He was truly a part of our little family. There is so much, that although from the outside seems very little, made our lives in some way or another revolve around this beloved dog. He was a great dog, and we were lucky to have him for so long. I look forward to seeing him again.

1 comment:

  1. Brody and I are very sad. We loved Baxter and we never met him. We loved watching him do tricks on Skype. We are sorry.
